What Does Faith Look Like, When It Is In Our Feet?

Pastor Martin and Pastor Tim discuss where faith meets our daily reality. How are the youth dealing with the events in our nation and are they fearful? The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. We are told often in Scripture, not to fear. Tim shares that the youth seem to be parroting what they are hearing from their families. If their parents are demonstrating no fear, the youth tend to follow suit. Many people are still not back in church, and perhaps it is due to fear.

Pastor Martin related the captive Jews who were finally able to return from Babylon back to Jerusalem, to those who have indeed returned to church service. Those who returned to Jerusalem were blessed in a way that those who stayed in Bablyon were not. He suppositioned that those who have not returned back to live worship services are missing out on the blessings being experienced each Sunday for those back at church. God certainly was with the Jewish captives still in Babylon, but those who stepped out in faith and returned to their home land were experiencing God in a very special way. The same can be true of those who are still at home, though God is part of their Sunday worship, there is certainly an unique blessing for those who have returned home.

Perfect Love Casts Out Fear. Be encouraged, God already has a plan. We are to step out in faith, where God is leading, trusting that He has our path prepared before us.