Social Media Influence and the Church

The past few weeks have been interesting if you are on any social media platforms. We have seen stories and links taken down from Facebook and warnings stating that information has been “fact-checked” and found to be not true, or so say the powers that be on these platforms.

What should our response be to these things? Pastor Martin reminds us to know the Truth and the truth will set us free. Be diligent in studying the Word of God, for this is where wisdom and understanding found. The world will act like the world and we as a Christian community shouldn’t be shocked when private companies choose to censor things with which they don’t agree. A Christian world view will almost always come in conflict with the world, so don’t be surprised when you let your light shine before me, that there will be an attempt to snuff it out.

How can you use social media to share the truth and hope you have in Jesus Christ? What are you doing to get the Gospel out, even on Facebook?

Don’t be discouraged when your message is blocked or taken down, as Jesus warned us that these days would come, and as He was persecuted, so would His followers be.

We look forward to seeing you in church on Sunday or joining us for Church @ Home, on our Livestream. God bless!