No Mediocre Miracles

And he said to him, “Every man at the beginning sets out the good wine, and when the guests have well drunk, then the inferior. You have kept the good wine until now!”  John 2:10

When Jesus steps into a situation, He does not deliver inferior results, but rather moves in miraculous ways to provide the very best for one’s circumstance.  God cares about our needs and hears our cries for help.  His way of provision seems unconventional many times and not within the scope of our imagined answer, yet He will come in precise timing and in His perfect way, to meet the need we have.

This first miracle, turning water into wine, was only witnessed by a small audience.  The guests at the wedding had no idea that the wine had run out, but their thirst was quenched by the Creator of all things.  It seems that only Jesus’ disciples, mother, and the servants who were enlisted to fill the waterpots with water, witnessed the impossiblewater being turned into the very best vintage, aged to perfection, in mere seconds.  Yet Christ’s glory was manifested and His disciples believed in Him.  Audience size matters little to God, He will receive glory even if only one person believes.

Our own answered prayers may be a private miracle, just between you and your Creator, but it too will manifest His glory and help you believe in Him.  Whatever it is that you may have need of today, nothing is too small for Jesus.  From His provision of wine at the Cana wedding, to His ultimate provision of forgiveness of sin through His broken body and poured out blood, we can trust that His best for us is demonstrated in how He answers our prayers.

This beginning of signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory;  and His disciples believed in Him. John 2:11

What miracle do you need to trust Jesus for today?