Joy Comes…

Testimony Tuesday by Susan Eubanks

In March of this year, I celebrated my 45th “re-birthday”, that is, the day that I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I have been blessed to have parents that have celebrated this day every year, similar to how one would celebrate their birthday. This year, as I have found myself doing many times in years past, I pondered where I’ve been, what God has tried to teach me, and what He is still teaching me.

This past year has been filled with many challenges…from car accidents, to financial struggles, to unexpected medical procedures…moments that sometimes make a person pause and ask, “God, are You still there? I need to feel Your touch!” While I was pondering, God reminded me of His hand in my life in 2003 when I was evacuated from my home due to the fires storming through Southern California. I’d like to share with you an email I wrote during that trial.

“As most of you know, I have been evacuated out of my house due to the fires in the San Bernardino mountain range. Since Saturday, the emotions of my life have gone through some highs as well as some terrible lows.

If you were to talk with most individuals affected by the fires in Southern California, many would tell you about the fear, frustration and overwhelming confusion regarding what is taking place. Many are unsure whether their neighborhoods have been damaged and thousands of people will be homeless for several weeks as they wait to find out whether or not their home is still standing.

The days before the San Bernardino mountain fires broke out, I wrote an email to my prayer group regarding praising God despite the circumstances we are going through. The verses I used for this devotional was from James 1…highlighting the verse “consider it all joy” (James 1:2). When I was turned away by the police officers when I attempted to go home to rescue my cat as well as to pack up some of my belongings, I had that verse floating through my head. When I was informed by a fireman to expect complete devastation to my community, tears did come, but so did the reminder to “consider it all joy.”

One must remember that joy is not happiness. I am not happy about the lives that have been lost due to the fire or the losses of homes and valuable possessions. I am not happy that there are individuals in this world who could be hurting bad enough to set fires and destroy so many lives. However, joy is much more than happiness. It is enduring the pain and being able to see God despite the pain. It is being able to focus in the fact that no matter what horrible circumstances I might be going through, the truths about God have not changed. He remains a loving, faithful, and just God no matter how horrible the ordeals of this earth might be.

Fortunately, one can express their pain to God and not lose JOY. I am able to look at the circumstances that I am going through right now and, with tears running down my face, praise God for what He has done for me.

I pray that God will give each one of you JOY in your life. I pray that no matter what the circumstances that you are going through, you will be reminded that the person of God never changes. He does love you and truly does care about your life. He is forever faithful.”

As I reflected on those words from so many years ago, I have seen God’s hand of comfort through so many painful moments over the years. From watching my son struggle to live in 2006, to medical worries for both my parents, to broken relationships within my family…God never changes and JOY can still come in the morning.

“Weeping may endure for a night, But joy comes in the morning.” Psalms 30:5b NKJV