Fill In The Blank

Jesus therefore, knowing all things that would come upon Him, went forward and said to them,

“Whom are you seeking?”

They answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.”

Jesus said to them, “I am He.”   John 18:4-5b

Whom are you seeking today?  Each of us are seeking something or someone to bring us peace, or joy, or success, or fulfillment, or love or “Fill in the blank”.  We all strive after the wind, seeking to find satisfaction in things that won’t last.  Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes 2:11, “Yet when I surveyed all that my hands had done and what I had toiled to achieve, everything was meaningless, a chasing after the wind; nothing was gained under the sun.” It seems to be in our DNA to fill in the blanks of our lives, trying everything to satisfy a need or want, a void or longing, that will remain until we can truthfully answer Jesus’ question.  “Who are you seeking today?”

Christian rapper S.O. pens in his song Satisfy the truth of filling in the blank with everything but God.

How it feel like, chasing the wind hommie? Don’t we do it all the time? We never chase God but think that the women or the money will forever satisfy. That ain’t what we were designed for & I can tell you that with my eyes closed or blindfolded. It’s mind-blowing, our souls need God cuzzy that there I know, [brotha] yes I know

Who or what are you seeking?

Jesus, knowing all, questioned the soldiers so all present and those of us who would read of this event, would hear the Truth and ponder the question for ourselves.

The religious leaders and the soldiers were not seeking to “fill in the blank” with Truth, but rather to destroy Him.  Yet Jesus, once again let even His enemies hear the Truth, by peacefully replying, “I Am”. Knowing they were going to kill him in several hours, knowing that they knew not what they were doing, He again gave them the opportunity to hear His testimony, that He is God and He is the only One who could satisfy their ultimate need.  

The questions is persists, “Whom are you seeking?”  Jesus is still asking and He is the answer.