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Worship Service

Worship Service

Each Sunday at 10:00, we have the honor to gather together to worship our Creator through song and praise, study the Word of God, and fellowship. Come be part of our worship community.

Speedway Children Ministry

Want to make an eternal difference in a young life? Come join our Speedway Team. We are blessed each Sunday to share Jesus with our elementary and nursery children. On Wednesday nights, we have fun at Pitstop our midweek Bible class for elementary age students. If you are interested in serving in either of these areas, we would love to have you.

Women's Ministry

Ladies Bible Study

We have a weekly women's Bible study that meets on Tuesday nights, various fun outings and a women's retreat each year at Mile High Pines with other Brethren in Christ Churches. Take advantage of this opportunity to get to know your fellow sisters in the Lord and walk this journey together.

Chain Reaction Youth Group

We are in search of high school and junior high students who want to build lasting relationships with each other and more importantly with Jesus Christ.
We have a great time on Wednesday nights playing games, worshiping through music, prayer and the study of the Bible.
We also have cool events through out the year like Winter Camp, lock-ins, and Nerf-gun battles, just to highlight a few! So come hang out with us and bring all your friends!
Chain Reaction Youth Group

Mid-week Bible Study

Wednesday Night Bible Study

Come join us for our mid-week study where we are looking into the Word to help us understand the times in which we live and how to reach the world for Christ.
Taught by Pastor Martin, we are looking at prophecy in order to understand the past, present and future according to the Bible.

Friday Night Bible Study

Gather together for intimate fellowship, prayer, and an in depth study of the Bible, verse by verse and chapter by chapter. We meet weekly at Jerry Mongello's house. Want to really get connected with others and God? This is the place to be!
Friday Night Bible Study

Fellowship Team

Fellowship Team

Do you have the gift of hospitality? Do you enjoy serving others through creating events to facilitate family and fellowship? Then joining the Fellowship Team is just for you.
Throughout the year we come together as a body of Christ and enjoy potlucks, bbq's, and a scrumptious Thanksgiving feast.
If you have the desire to serve in this manner contact Lori and Roger Kramer.

Usher Team

Our Usher Team is responsible for setting up the sanctuary for the Sunday Worship Service, welcoming guests and tear down at the end of the service.
If you are interested in serving in this capacity, please contact Dale Peacock.
Usher Team

Worship Team

Worship Team

Worship is a lifestyle. It is a life poured out in praise, song, prayer, and ministry before the our God and King.
We all were created to worship God and should do so in every aspect of life. Here at Valley Christian Church, the worship ministry is centered around bringing glory to the Lord through music, prayer, weekly devotions, and daily living out a heart of passion for the Lord.
If God has given you a gift of music and worship, whether is it through vocals, playing an instrument, running the soundboard or creating media, we would love to talk with you to see where God may want you to serve.
Contact Mary Selby to learn more about serving in the area of worship ministry.