The Church Must Stand with Israel, the Apple of God’s Eye

Pastor Martin and Jerry Mongello discuss a disturbing move by the World council of Churches against the nation of Israel. God calls Israel His own.

There thousands of Biblical references about Israel that demonstrate the importance of this chosen nation, both in the Old and New Testiments.

“The World Council of Churches is asking European diplomats to punish Israel with sanctions if it annexes West Bank lands. The request has triggered a heated debate in Christian circles,” according to the Jerusalem Telegraph Agency. “The call to punish Israel came last month in a letter to EU foreign ministers from the Geneva headquarters of the council, an umbrella body established in 1948 that now has 350 member churches with about 500,000 followers among them. The Catholic Church is not a member.”

The Church was born out of Israel. The Messiah is Jewish. God’s love for Israel has not ended. His covenant with them remains. The church has not replaced Israel and we are blessed because of God’s people Israel. The church must pray for the peace of Jerusalem. The church cannot turn her back on the apple of God’s eye. Jesus died for the nation of Israel and one day they will confess Him as their Messiah.

Gen 12:2 I will make you a great nation; I will bless you And make your name great; And you shall be a blessing. Gen 12:3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.”

Let’s be clear: There is NO expiration date on this verse!!! What God said in Genesis 12 is just as applicable today as it was several thousand years ago, and will continue to be applicable as long as God is God!

If God is not faithful to His people Israel, why would be faithful to the Bride of the Son? If God can’t or won’t take care of those that He called out of Egypt, that He created…if God cannot preserve them, and has no intention of saving them, then so many of these 3,000 verses are either lies or God didn’t mean them.

If God doesn’t forgive Israel’s sin, then as a Christians, how can we count on the fact that our sin is forgiven?

God keeps His word and He has a covenant with His chosen people, Israel. Know the Word of God, do your own research, and understand God’s love for His people. Pray for the peace of Israel. Comment below and let’s discuss this important topic. God Bless!

