What’s Your Story?

After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples…John 21:1a

This past Sunday’s message got me thinking about when Jesus showed Himself to me.  What is your testimony? When did you meet Jesus? How has He shown up in various ways throughout your Christian life?  

Today’s blog is an interactive one and we would love to have you share your testimony either in an email or in the comments below.

Growing up in a home with parents who deeply loved and followed the Lord, gave me the foundation of truth needed to surrender my life to the Lord. Though I don’t recall the specifics of asking Jesus into my heart, I was influenced by my Sunday school teacher, as a preschooler and I prayed to receive Him as my Lord and Savior.

I cared deeply for those in my life who did not know Jesus.  In the third grade, my best friend Rosemarie was not a Christian, though we both attended a Christian school, and for weeks at lunch, we would take walks and talk about becoming a Christian.  One day, we talked with our teacher and Rosemarie gave her life to the Lord. My heart for Jesus and the lost was enormous in my early years. “He called a little child to Him, and placed the child among them.  And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 18:2-4).

Like many pastor’s and youth pastor’s kids, I had to do things my way and struggled with following Jesus.  There were years of an on again, off again relationship with the Lord, and though He never left me nor forsook me, I certainly didn’t follow in His footsteps.

Throughout the years, Jesus has in multiple places and times showed Himself to me.  Whether in times of heartache and fear, or in times of mountaintop worship and study, Jesus remains the same yesterday, today, and forever in my life.  Without Him, life would be futile, a never-ending practice of just getting through each day with no hope for the future. It would be a life filled with the question, “What’s it all for?”  However with Jesus, there is abundant life, even in the midst of trial, there is the deep knowledge that I have a Friend, Savior, and Lord, who walks with me in the best of times and the worst of times.  He has shown up in the emergency room, whispering, “Do you trust Me?”. He has wiped tears from my eyes in the midst of worship, surrounding me with His glory and love. He has reminded me that He is in control and that His ways are good always, even when my circumstances say otherwise.  Jesus doesn’t just show up, He is always up. He is the Friend that sticks closer than a brother and the lover of my soul.

So, share your story with us.  Let’s encourage each other in how the Lord is working and has worked in your life.  It is testimony time! Let’s give God glory by sharing about His grace and mercy in your life. Share with us on our Facebook page.