Your Mom Chose Life

A man on the radio the other day, passionately thanked his birth mother for choosing life and giving him up for adoption. He praised her for giving him the opportunity to live, but also thanked her for the the lives of his two children, who without her choice of adoption would not be alive today.

Everyday a mother chooses life for her children through the obvious actions of providing nourishment and physical care, but also through speaking life into her children in the form of encouragement, direction, teaching, discipline, and most importantly presenting Jesus to them each day.

What a mom does every day, not only affects her children in the here and now, but also affects how those children will love and care for their own kids.  When grace, truth, and love are modeled by one’s mother, the child grows up seeing glimpse of Jesus and the way He ultimately demonstrated His love for us on the cross.  Christ came, while we were yet sinners and died for us. Mom’s sacrifice every day for their little sinners, loving and training them up, so that one day, they too will pass on the message of faith in Jesus to their own children.  

No, mom’s are not perfect, they too need grace, truth, and love poured into their lives, but their daily sacrifice to choose life for their children is invaluable and leaves future generations an example to follow.  Just as the man on the radio was grateful that his birth mom choose adoption thus allowing him the opportunity to pour life into his own children, we too can start with this premise as well, even if our mom was not the best role model.  If she chose life, then she gave you the greatest gift. That is something for which one can be abundantly thankful. The next step is to take this gift of life and pass it onto another person, turning this mortal gift of life into an immortal gift of eternal life through the Gospel of Jesus.

The greatest example of parental love however is seen in the Bible where we are adopted into God’s family, through belief in Jesus Christ.  We have been given the personal choice of life, via spiritual adoption. Without Jesus, we are walking dead, but when we accept His death on our behalf and the forgiveness of our sin, we are freed from spiritual bondage and given the title “children—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ”.   

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.  For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father.”  The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together (Romans 8:15-17).

Your mom gave you life, what you do with it will affect your own children and those around you.  We have only one life to live here on the earth and what we do with it has eternal ramifications.  Leave a legacy of faith for future generations and give thanks to God that your mom who chose life.