
The big picture is so often obscured by the infinitesimal details of daily life, leaving us discouraged.  Certainly the tough stuff of life, that causes grief and a questioning of where God is in the midst of the pain, may make it seem impossible to see beyond the moment in which we live.  Yet we have a God who is outside of time and who holds all things together. A Savior who is “the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”  A Father who is making all things beautiful in His time and has promised to never leave us or forsake us.

Many of us at Valley Christian Church can give God all the glory as we have seen Him take tragedy and turn it into beauty.  We have experienced healings and hope. We have watched God move through the prayers of His people and utterly remove cancer.  We have seen babies brought home from intensive care and school children accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. We have seen God’s generous provision when there seemed to be no way.  

All glory goes to God alone, but in the middle of trials, it can be difficult to have hope and faith.  Our eyes can be focused on the pain, making it nearly impossible to see through to the otherside. However, through these testimonies, we can stand back and see God’s gorgeous tapestry being woven together, strand by strand, each playing a significant role in the final product.  The big picture will only be viewable in eternity, but sometimes God gives us a glimpse of who He is so we won’t lose heart.

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart;

yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.  Ecclesiastes 3:11

I wrote these words on March 15th, after visiting my little grandbaby in the NICU.  

Life pours blessings, like wedding anniversaries (3 years today for Alethia and Bugs), a two week birthday for Lil’ Logan, and ultimately the knowledge that in all things God is good and in control. Yet even in the blessings, life can also pours out storms that can be horrifically frightening and bring you to your knees (hopefully in prayer).

Logan today was very alert and ate well – blessings. And though she is still in the NICU, which is a storm that no one should have to go through, though so many do, I know that in all things, God is even in this.

We affectionately call Logan, Lady Bug. As I stepped out of the car, I saw a ladybug, a tiny hug from the Lord that He is in control and that He is love and hears our petitions for healing for Logan.

This side of eternity, we may never get answers as to why Lil’ Logan and her parents had to go through this event, nor how God ultimately will use it for His glory, but we can cling to His promises and search for His fingerprints in each and every trial and triumph.   

When life hits hard, hang onto His promises, look for His tiny hugs of reassurance and know that in the darkest hour He remains faithful. The full picture won’t be seen, but fragments of what He is creating can be discovered.  Ask Him to give you eyes to see His handiwork, even in the hurt and trust Him to bring you through to the otherside of whatever trial you are experiencing today.