Love As Hard As Nails

Love’s as hard as nails,

Love is nails:

Blunt, thick, hammered through

The medial nerves of One

Who, having made us, knew

The thing He had done,

Seeing (with all that is)

Our cross, and His. ― C.S. Lewis Poems

Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  Blessed is the King of Israel!

Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!

Jesus! Rebuke your disciples! If they keep quiet the stones will cry out!

Love is hard as nails, love is an old rugged cross,
Love is coming in the clouds in glory and majesty
Every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that
Jesus Christ is Lord.  

“God, who needs nothing, loves into existence wholly superfluous creatures in order that He may love and perfect them. He creates the universe, already foreseeing – or should we say “seeing”? there are no tenses in God – the buzzing cloud of flies about the cross, the flayed back pressed against the uneven stake, the nails driven through the mesial nerves, the repeated incipient suffocation as the body droops, the repeated torture of back and arms as it is time after time, for breath’s sake, hitched up. If I may dare the biological image, God is a “host” who deliberately creates His own parasites; causes us to be that we may exploit and “take advantage of” Him. Herein is love. This is the diagram of Love Himself, the inventor of all loves.”  C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him, will not perish but will have everlasting life. So if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your hearts that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved!  For greater love hath no man, than He who lays down His life for a friend.  

With Your blood, You purchased man, redeemed from death and Satan’s hand

Triumph and glory to the Lamb, in Christ we are alive,   In Christ we are alive

Hallelujah to the One, whose body was crushed for the sin I’ve done

Holy, holy is our God,   love and mercy have overcome,

Your love and mercy have overcome

Love is hard as nails.